Winter is Coming: Knit Faster

As I was camping this weekend, I got my first hit of the impending fall.

Be Kind shawl from Interpretations Vol. 3 in progress in madelinetosh 80/10/10 in the Far Beyond

It was a bit cold, it rained a fair bit on Saturday, and all I could think was, “some knits would have been nice,” followed by, “oh dear lord, all of my knit accessories are in a box somewhere.”

And I died inside.

Yup, all my hats, mitts, cowls and scarves, and the majority of my sweaters are all in boxes stored away at my mother-in-laws.

What is a knitter to do? Well, my husband would say, we’ll just go through the boxes and find them all. I say I need to knit a whole new set.

REALLY, I already have 3/4 of a cowl done, I’ve now got some amazing Scottish yarn my parental so brought back for me from their trip that is dying to become mittens. I just need yarn for a hat. Oh dear. I guess I’ll have to go shopping…

Winter is Coming: Knit Faster

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